Monday, December 8, 2008

$30 Cinnamon Rolls

I was welcomed home tonight with a big cookie sheet full of homemade cinnamon rolls. They are seriously the best Cinnamon rolls I have ever tasted. And I have tasted my share of cinnamon rolls believe me! I have given them the name $30 cinnamon rolls because if anyone knew how good they were, that's what you'd pay for one. At least I would. If you know how frugal I usually am, that speaks volumes of these cinnamon rolls. I canceled the German Chocolate Cake for my Birthday on Wednesday and ordered another batch of these........Can a woman make her man any happier? I don't think so! I LOVE MY WIFE!!!!! ......and not just for her cinnamon roll skills.......enjoy the pic and don't drool on your keyboard....


Jen Story~Storybook Photos said...

What I want to know is how a mother of a little girl, two little twin boys, and a fourth child who rides a motorcycle has time to make cinnamon rolls??? AMAZING!! Those do look yummy!

Carlee Hoopes said...

Um, excuse me? Why haven't I tried these yet? They look so good....:(

Kirk and Carin Chugg said...

Don't worry Jen you'll get your cinnamon rolls! Carlee...I'm not so sure about...:)

Karla said...

OK, I need to impress Jed a little so how about passing on that recipe. And the one of your delicious apricot jam!