Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mommy when are ya gonna play with me?

Yesterday I just had the strangest day. I'm not even sure why it was so just was. We didn't do anything weird or go on any adventures it just felt weird. I had a large realization yesterday that the Mommy job is HARD! And I'm not sure why it hit so hard yesterday but it did. All day I was continually having this battle within myself: Am I being a good mother? Am I spending enough time with my kids just playing? Am I teaching them the things they need to know? Am I too task oriented? What do I do all day that I can't seem to get stuff done somedays? Do my kids know how much I love them? Do I show affection enough? Am I patient enough? Am I taking the time and opportunity to really live and enjoy my family? Am I really paying attention to these moments?-they are only this little so long. and on and on and on. I think one of the hardest things for me is finding a good balance. There is so much that makes up a day and before I know it the day is done and it is time for bed and I often ask myself..what did I do today? And the answer you were MOM. What a big name that is.


10zfam said...

i hear ya! isn't it just so overwhelming yet so rewarding at the same time?

Karson and Kami said...

Hey Carin!
I got Katie's email today with your blog on it..I think I have come here before a long time ago when we talked on facebook...

I can't believe how big your twins are now! It didn't seem that long ago that you were pregnant with them. They are so cute! So is your little girl.

Karson and Kami said...

I emailed you an invite to my blog by the way :)

Jen Story~Storybook Photos said...

I have the same thoughts every day, I guess it's just part of being a mommy and worrying ALL the time!

Kristi said...

Been there, done that! Every day of my life!! Good to know we're not alone, right? BTW, I think you're an excellent mom!

Karla said...

So true.

The Hall Clan said...

You just got a whole heck of a lot of nodding heads and "oh yah, most days feel like that!!!"

At least we know other mommies feel the same way.

Carlee Hoopes said...

Well put! I feel this way every single day.

The Fife's said...

You are all those things and more. You have amazing parents that have taught you well. You are a role model to me! Keep up the good work.

Ryan and Loni said...

Hey Carin! Wow I don't think I have seen you since we were in school. Thank Heavens for the blogging world so I can get back in touch with the world. Anyway, your family is darling and I am sure you are the best mom. I had a bad mom day the other day and my sweet husband said "you are only experiencing what every mom in the world does. Its just a bad day and tomorrow will be better. Look at the big picture." Too sweet and very true. Anyway, take care and stay in touch.
