Thursday, February 12, 2009

Eatin Snow...

We came outside the other day and the kids were like three little sirens going off simultaneously they were so excited. Bennett figured out that it's fun to eat the snow, and foolish to take off your gloves. I've just posted a bunch of pictures here because, well, it's been a while since we've posted any pictures of the kids


Precursor to a motorcycle.

Beautiful taylor and her long hair.

Happy John.

Clapping for the chance to be outside!

Johnny and Taylor.

Little Nebraska fan Johnny.



Jen Story~Storybook Photos said...

Eat the yellow snow! It's lemon flavored!

Karson and Kami said...

Wow, I can't believe how big your boys are! I swear it wasn't that long ago that your mother in law was telling me that you were PREGNANT with twins, and now they are all walking around. Crazy. They are adorable though.