So clearly it has been a while since we have updated our blog and boy have we got stories for you! The first to come to mind happened this Sunday. Grandpa and Uncle Rob had just gotten to our house and so Taylor, John, and I excitedly went out to see Rob's new truck (Bennett had been sleeping in the front room). So we went outside and as soon as I closed the door behind me Bennett woke up and I realized that I had locked us out and him in!!! And to make matters worse he's a crawler now and I wasn't so sure that I had the door above the stairs closed! IDIOT! So we checked all the doors and sure enough...locked out. And of course our good intention of hiding a key someplace for just such an occasion was just that...a good intention. So we began trying to find a window that wasn't locked. Finally Grandpa spotted the tiny bathroom window in the basement was open. One small problem...Taylor is the only tiny one in the bunch and the window drops about 5 feet into the bathroom. But we had to try. So I lowered Taylor through the window and she used her toes to put the toilet lid down and I dropped her onto the toilet. She then quickly scampered upstairs and let us in. TAYLOR SAVES THE DAY! She was pretty proud of herself for that rescue. And fortunately Bennett had no clue that any of this was going on...he just sat happily in the front room playing with his toys. What an adventure!!! Another funny story happened just this morning. It is Taylor's birthday today and Grandma Chugg came over for a minute this morning and she said, "Taylor did you get up early this morning?" But Taylor heard, "did you get a burly this morning?" So Taylor said, "Gramma, what's a burly?" What a funny little lady! She has been so excited for her birthday. Every morning for the past week we have had the sleeps countdown, "only 4 more sleeps until my birthday!" and on and on. It has been fun having her so excited this year and boy did we have a fun day despite the minor setbacks in the gift department. All Taylor asked for for her birthday was a fish. Well I take that back, she started out asking for a dog and worked her way down to a fish. So Kirk picked a beta fish on his way home from work on Monday. We we got it all transported into it's fish bowl after Taylor went to bed and had it all set out on the table with her other gifts for when she woke up. Well...I'm sure you can imagine what happened. We woke up to find little fishy dead. Taylor looked at him and said, "oh, he's dead." Fortunately, not too heartbroken. So we made a plan that she could go pick out her own fish for her birthday at the pet store with daddy and she was excited about that. Her other gift from us was a blow up pool for the yard. It was supposed to be really great with a canopy that had a sprinkler in it. And it was great...for about a half an hour. Then once the sun heated up the plastic, the canopy just sort of fell over. As the day went on it just ended up floating in the pool. Gift dud number 2! But we have a plan to return this pool and get a better one and she's good with that as well. It's a good thing we have such an easy going little lady...cause WOW we didn't do so great in the gift department. Fortunately though we still had a fun day Taylor got to ride daddy's new motorcycle and we got to go swimming at the pool. Everyone had a great time! Taylor loved it and the boys both fell asleep in their little tubes (pictures will be here soon). And then we had a great party this evening and Taylor had a great time. So, it ended up being a great day. Here are some pics of the recent goings on in the Chugg house.

Taylor's new favorite thing is to push the boys around in her doll stroller. They enjoy it too! I'm sure she'll be dressing them up in girl clothes in no time!

Anna on the other hand had a grand ole time on the slip'n'slide!

Here's Mommy!
And Daddy! Kirk won the competition as to who could skid across the grass the furthest. I think the grass still hasn't recovered.