Saturday, February 28, 2009

But she did it anyway

Taylor had her second dance performance today. She performed her group number first and then she got to perform her solo dance that she and her teacher Shantel have been working on for a couple of months. I have been lucky enough to be the parental unit chosen lately to accompany Taylor to dance practice on Tuesday nights. It gives us some daddy/daughter time and I quite enjoy watching her in her class. She is about a head shorter than the next smallest in her class. That is actually how she identifies herself in the videos of her group dance.

Her dances were during the halftimes of boys rec basketball games at Fremont. Every time the whistle blew of the buzzer went off, the boys harmoniously began crying together. It was awesome. A couple of babies if you ask me.

As a summary of Taylor's solo, which is the video above, her march from the side was a bit longer than she practiced. But she did it anyway. Her skip around the practice room was quite a bit larger in a gym. But she did it anyway. We are quite surprised that she performs the solo because she is always incredibly shy around strangers. But she did it anyway. She was about the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Awesome job sweetheart!


Kristi said...

Oh my goodness!! That was too cute for words!! What a brave little munchkin.

shantel said...

that is so darn cute. she did awsome!

Jenny Bebel said...

She is so cute!

The Mullis' said...

She did such a good job! I'm so glad we made it in time to see her! She's so cute.

Ryan and Loni said...

She is so stinkin' cute. That was a big area to perform on! She was too sweet!

Kristin said...

That was so cute! She's an entertainer for sure.

Karla said...

Dear Taylor,
I hope that you had a fun time dancing in the gym. - Ili
That was awesome! - Mic

Unknown said...

That was AWESOME! I have got to get a GIRL!