Thursday, January 29, 2009

Time to clean house

Apparently I have been lacking in the house cleaning department lately because yesterday Taylor came to me in the kitchen and said, "Mom the front room is REALLY dusty....would you like me to dust it for you?" Once I got over the shock that my 3 year old daughter even noticed the dust, I promptly got out the swiffer and let her go to town. For a minute I felt a little guilty that I had let it get that bad but then I thought..who cares...that's great that she is so excited about helping and I'll just take advantage of this moment!!! I may just let it get that bad again!!!


Anonymous said...

Carin, I am shocked!! (said with a smile) I don't think you left your bed unmade once when we were roomates. Being a mom is a lot of work and a lot of cleaning / laundry. Glad I'm not the only one having a hard time keeping up.

Karla said...

How nice to have a little helper. I only ended up with two of those. That may sound like I was pretty blessed but when you think of how much mess the others make I am against the odds. Go Taylor!

Karson and Kami said...

lol that's cute that she wants to help out.