Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another Favorite Little Boy Moment

Bennett and John do this funniest thing and they have done it ever since they have started socializing with each other..(don't ask me exactly when that started cause I don't remember). They did it again today. When they are in their high chairs eating this is what happens. They'll be eating merrily along and then one of them will stop and look at the other. Soon he'll stop eating and look back, then they slowly lean their heads together until their heads touch and just laugh and laugh. Then they'll do it over and over until one of them starts eating again. It is hilarious! Most of the time they do it when in their chairs but the other day they were both standing in the doorway to the kitchen holding on to the door frame and they looked at each other and gave 'head kisses' and laughed and laughed. What funny boys!


Carlee Hoopes said...

That's hilarious. You need to record it and put it on the blog!

10zfam said...

that i so cute! twins have a special connection

Kristi said...

I really wish my kids were twins instead of 14 months apart! What funny little boys!

Karla said...

Saturday morning me and Taylor were playing hide and seek with the boys.We found them behind a high chair. They squeeled and started to crawl out from behind the highchair....Stopped....Did a head kiss that looked more like a 'head five'. Now I know how they get the little bruises on their foreheads:) They're so dang cute.