Sunday, December 21, 2008

And we thought the ornaments were safe...

Since we have 2 little crazy boys running around our house this year we only decorated the top half of the tree foolishly thinking that this would be a great solution to keeping the boys away from the ornaments. Well, we were wrong. The other morning I was cleaning up the kitchen and it suddenly got very quiet in the front room (all you mothers out there know this usually is a bad sign). So I finished up what I was doing and peeked around the corner. John had pushed Taylor's little rocking chair over to the tree. There he was standing up on the chair handing ornaments down to Bennett. Bennett had an ornament in each hand and John was in the process of handing him another. Little stinkers! Fortunately nothing got broken and the only casualty was that when John saw me come in it startled him and he fell backwards off the chair. Needless to say I haven't caught them doing it again. I have been told by various people that little boys and twins in particular will work together to get into stuff, I just wasn't prepared for it to start already....ready or not here we go!


Kristi said...

That is exactly the reason we had our Christmas tree outside on the porch for 3 years!!! This year it is inside and there have been times I wish it were still outside! I can't believe how cute your little kids are!!!!

Karla said...

Wow, they just seem so tiny to be coming up with stunts like that!

The Hall Clan said...

I hear ya!!! My boys did pretty well this year, other than spencer taking his little tykes hammer and whacking a couple of the silver ball ornaments. He didn't even flinch--just put his hammer down and walked away. Oh, I finally have my blog up and going!!!