Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Little Devil

Today is Tuesday so I got to watch the boys while Taylor and Mommy went to dance class. Usually we take a really long bath and then play play play until mommy and Taylor get home.

Tonight I went in to turn on the water for their bath and left the door open behind me. I heard a quick pitter-patter of little feet follow me into the bathroom and turned around to find Johnny standing over the toilet smiling. I looked in the toilet and saw two Mr. Potatohead ears sitting at the bottom of an unflushed pee-pee toilet. After my good 15 second thinking processes was complete on what I should do, I decided to quit being a pansy and just reach in and get them. Johnny just laughed. Oh how I love being a dad of little boys! We are going to have a lot of fun with these girls in our house!


Unknown said...

Oh just you wait, they get more clever and devilish as they get older. Anyway I sure enjoy reading your blog, it looks like there is never a dull moment in your lives. You guys take care and have a Merry Christmas. Uncle Mikal

Jenny Bebel said...

Thats sounds like our Jordan except his toys was flushed and glogged the toliet! Don't you just love boys!