Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Fun Never Ends

Taylor and the boys were in the tub tonight I had this funny exchange with her as she held a bowl of water in a bath tub.

Taylor: Daddy, I am going to dump my fish out so it can die

Dad: I didn't know you had a fish

Taylor: It's just a pretend one silly

Dad: Why are you going to dump it out and kill it?

Taylor: It's just pretend!

Dad: Would it go to fish heaven?

Taylor: No. He would just go home.

Dad: Where's that?

Taylor: Farkelton

Dad: What's Farkelton?

Taylor: A silly city...where people get married....kind of like a temple

(Farkelton may be an imaginative invention of Taylor Brain due the overload of Doctor Suess in the form of "Horton hears a Who" and "The Grinch") I think at least 40% of Carin's sense of humor is derived directly from Jim Carrey's version of the Grinch. It is a Christmas classic that never gets old.

And one more Taylorism as I sit hear and type with Taylor at my shoulder...

D:Do you stink?

T:No. I don't smell anything.

D:Then what stinks?

T:It was the boys.

D:The boys are in bed.

T:Well, just can hear them stinking.


Karla said...

That gave me a good laugh.

Stephanie said...

LOL...this girl cracks me up, sound like she is still to smart for her own good ;)

Jen Story~Storybook Photos said...

LOL! She is hilarious! What a fun stage!